RSG176: Driver Shortage, Uber’s Take Rate, Rideshare vs Delivery and More

Recently. I was on the Rideshare Rodeo podcast, hosted by my friend Steve. It was a wide-ranging interview and we covered everything from the future of rideshare to the driver shortage and more. 

Listen to this episode on your phone here.

Why Drive for Rideshare?

  • Harry began driving for extra money – had free time
  • Discussion of earnings – strategies are key to earning more
  • Steve started driving to have more time with his kids, ability to take time off, etc.
  • Future of freelancing: more people are interested in this for the flexibility, earnings potential

Rideshare Earnings

  • Understand that signing up for multiple apps is beneficial to you, as a driver
  • Earnings can be higher, can work better with your schedule
  • Uber’s take rate as gone down, according to Dara – highlights the difference between what drivers think and what Uber’s saying
  • We don’t really know!

Driver Shortage

  • Rideshare needs to do a lot more, especially to bring back long time drivers
  • Have seen a lot of changes in pay (flat rate surge, for example) and it’s frustrating
  • May actually be hard to get long time drivers back
  • Brand new drivers haven’t seen these changes – don’t know how different it was

Rideshare vs Delivery

  • Not a lot of cross over between rideshare and delivery
  • Fewer requirements to be a delivery driver, even more flexibility
  • Delivery companies have been very reliable
  • More complicated, though – a lot more can go wrong with delivery

Future of Rideshare

  • Earnings – huge part of the conversation (tips, too!)
  • Smaller companies – opportunities for them?
  • Harry will not be starting a rideshare company!
  • Better communication is key!


  • Thanks to Steve for having me on Rideshare Rodeo!

Show Notes