Listening to audiobooks while driving for Uber and Lyft can be an excellent way to engage with your passengers, keep yourself from getting bored (or annoyed at traffic) and grow your business/professional life. Below, senior RSG contributor Jay Cradeur shares his top suggestions on the best audiobooks for rideshare drivers. Do you agree with his suggestions? Let us know below!
Recently I wrote an article and video about the book delivery service called Audible. In the video, I showed you how easy it is to sign up with Audible and get your first book of the month for free.
In my example, I downloaded David Goggins’ book titled “Can’t Hurt Me.” It has been great to listen to the book while I am working out at my local California Family Fitness. His story is very inspiring. I am not sure, but I think I work out a bit harder when I listen to a book titled “Can’t Hurt Me.”
Every once in a while, I will be recommending a few books which you might find interesting, entertaining, educational or just plain old fun. You can bookmark this page in order to get the latest suggestions for the best audiobooks for rideshare drivers.
Not sure how to download and get started with Audible on your phone? Our instructions for getting started with Audible here.
Let’s dive into the list of my top recommended and best audiobooks for rideshare drivers below.
The Best Audiobooks for Rideshare Drivers
The Sun Also Rises by Ernest Hemingway
I read this book in my twenties, and “The Sun Also Rises” still ranks as one of my best reading experiences of all time. One of the reasons I selected this book for you is it is a classic. Another reason is Hemingway. Enough said!
Another reason, and perhaps one of the best to get Audible in the first place, is that the person who reads the book is none other than the actor William Hurt. If you have never read any Hemingway, you may come to love his style: short and terse and descriptive.
The Seven Habits Of Highly Effective People by Steven Covey
Throughout my life, I had a voracious appetite for self-help books. It all started in my teens when I read the book “The Inner Game of Tennis” by Timothy Galway. I read the book, and then my tennis improved. From there I read “The Greatest Salesman In The World” by Og Mandino. The list goes on and on and I will share more of these classics in subsequent months.
Some of these books I read. Some I listened to on cassette tape. With “The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People,” I did both. This is a recognized classic and the advice given in this book stands the test of time.
I still remember the first habit: Be Proactive. The lesson on sharpening your saw is priceless. The story about the man’s wife dying is unforgettable. All of this advice and more has supported me to take action when others would not. If you want to learn what top performers do to stay on top, this is one of the best books you can read to glean insights from someone who knows.
Sign up to get your first book FREE with Audible and a free trial here.
Steve Jobs by Walter Issacson
Given that a good percentage of us are using iPhones to manage our rideshare driving apps, and I am typing out this article on my trusty Macbook Pro, it makes sense to recommend this extremely thorough look at the man many have called the Einstein of our times. I have found biographies to be a potent way to learn ways to be more effective and productive in an ever-challenging world.
As you will hear when you listen to the audiobook, the public perception of Steve Jobs and what we listen to from this book is not always congruent. The author, Walter Issacson, had unlimited access to Jobs as well as all those that knew Jobs and worked with Jobs. Nothing was off-limits. Jobs had no control over the final product. This is an honest and well-crafted presentation of one of the most remarkable men of the past half-century.
The Best Audiobooks for Uber and Lyft Drivers During the Holidays
The holidays can be a tough time for many people. Some folks feel extreme loneliness during the holidays. While many have families with which to spend the holidays, there are also many who do not and they feel a resultant loss of connection around the holidays.
The holidays are a season rife with opportunities to feel stressed. Here are some Audible books that may help you and me to navigate the holidays and avoid those pesky confrontations we often live to regret.
A Stress Free Christmas: How Not to Kill Your Family and Survive the Festive Season Using Proven Stress Management Techniques by David Hyner
This audiobook is short and to the point. The author focuses on strategies to avoid situations that can cause stress. Prevention is the key. By going over all the situations that can cause you stress, you will develop a greater awareness of potential tricky situations and then have the wisdom to avoid them. This book will greatly support you during the holidays and also be a generous gift for your friends and family.
You can download this book for free when you sign up for a 30 day free trial of Audible using our referral link here.
Jonathon Livingston Seagull by Richard Back
Often times when with family members, we can be easily triggered into old ways of thinking. All it takes is a Mom or a Dad to express dissatisfaction about what you are doing with your life and you can be sent into a tailspin. I have learned it is best to keep my yapper shut about my big dreams and goals.
To further support you to keep your dreams alive and not feel disempowered and thwarted, I recommend this classic story about a seagull that has a dream, works hard to achieve the dream, despite what others think, and ultimately soars to never before imagined heights.
This is a glorious tale, an inspiring bit of writing that will have you feeling positive and uplifted and unconquerable, no matter what you relatives may say over a holiday dinner.
21 Days Of Meditation By Aaptive
If ever there was a time when a few minutes of meditation comes in handy, it is during the holidays. Many people have a hard time with meditation. The idea of sitting still, focusing only on one’s breath or on a mantra can certainly be daunting.
This audio book provides 21 guided meditations. All you need to do is sick down in a quiet place and listen to the speaker. When the speaker asks you to do something, like “just notice your breath going in and out,” all you need to do is follow the soothing and relaxing instructions the best you can.
When life gets stressful, and family members are driving you crazy, take a short time out and listen to one of these guided meditations. You will feel more relaxed and in control of your feelings and emotions. As a benefit of being a part of the Audible program, the 21 Days of Meditation is currently being offered for free. This is subject to change, so make sure to sign up for Audible now and get this deal.
The Best Audiobooks for Uber and Lyft Drivers Who Are Entrepreneurs
If you have listened to any episodes of my podcast, Rideshare Dojo with Jay Cradeur, you know that I put a great deal of emphasis on developing a Plan B. A Plan B is what you desire to be doing besides rideshare driving. Plan B is an exit plan, an opportunity that you create so you can throw your talents and passions into a project that gets you out of bed in the morning with excitement and hope for the future. Here are three fantastic books you can listen to in your car which will support you in your entrepreneurial pursuits.
The Four Hour Workweek by Tim Ferriss
No kidding, I have read this book at least five times. My good friend knew I was starting yet another business, and he recommended the book. This book is full of what I would call “hacks” which are ideas or strategies to perform an action with greater effectiveness and efficiency. Concepts like the 80/20 Principle, Parkinson’s Law, the Distinction between Busyness and Productivity, and Batching. This book is essential reading if you want to become a productivity animal.
The E-Myth Revisited by Michael Gerber
Another gold nugget here. If you are serious about building a business, this book is a must-read. This book makes a clear distinction between having a skill set that propels you to start a business and the real work of creating and running a business. In an age in which 80% of small businesses fail within five years, it behooves you to understand why so many fail, what they do wrong, and what you can do right to ensure your success.
The Obstacle Is The Way (The Timeless Art Of Turning Trials Into Triumph) by Ryan Holiday
The book opened my eyes to the nature of failure and growth. If you are going to create a Plan B and then execute your vision, you will fail at most every turn. You will try something you have not tried before, and you will often get it wrong. This failure can be interpreted in several different ways. You can experience failure as defeat and then quit. Or you can realize that not only is failure a part of building a business, but the failures will often teach you exactly what you should do next. Hence, we get this book’s title, “The Obstacle Is The Way.” That which does not work is where we need to put our attention in order to move forward. This short little book is jam-packed with wisdom and has the potential to shift your views on failure.
Key Takeaways on the Best Audiobooks for Rideshare Drivers
What a great time to be alive! We have at our fingertips so much good and valuable information. Here in this article, I have just begun to scratch the surface.
To be able to have the opportunity to listen to Hemingway, learn the seven habits, and to gain insights into our greatest inventor, it is wonderful. Be safe out there – and make sure to bookmark this page if you want to keep growing and learning as a driver and entrepreneur!
Sign up to get your first book FREE with Audible and a free trial here.
Readers, do you agree with Jay’s list? What are your top audiobook recommendations for drivers?
-Jay @ RSG