Uber’s Consecutive Trip Bonus – Is it Back?


The gig economy has transformed the way people work, offering flexible earning opportunities. Uber, a platform that connects drivers with passengers needing transportation, is the clear market share leader in this space.

Over the past eight years, I have been a driver on the Uber platform, and I have witnessed various incentives to keep drivers motivated and ensure a steady supply of drivers to pick up passengers.

One such incentive was the “Consecutive Trip Bonus,” which made me a ton of extra cash during the pandemic. It was a program designed to reward drivers for completing a series of trips in quick succession.

Unfortunately, like many other incentives/bonuses, it disappeared as we came out of the pandemic. Certain weeks, incentives made up to 40% of my income, and now those good old days are gone!

This article will delve into the mechanics of the New Uber Trips In A Row Bonus, its benefits, challenges, and strategies for maximizing earnings through this program.

What is the New Uber Consecutive Trip Bonus?

The new Uber Trips In A Row Bonus is a financial incentive offered to drivers who complete a number of trips consecutively within a specific time frame and location.

The bonus typically requires drivers to complete three or more trips back-to-back without rejecting or missing any requests. This incentive is usually offered during peak hours, such as weekday mornings or weekend evenings, when demand for rides is high.

There are not too many details on the Uber Blog other than the screenshots below, but it seems like a new version of the old Consecutive Trip Bonus is back under Upfront Fares & Destination. The bonus structure will probably vary from driver to driver, by city, and even within different parts of the same city.

The bonus amount is now in percentages as opposed to the old dollar amount like 3 for $15. The number of trips required and the eligible time frames are all dynamic, changing based on Uber’s algorithms and real-time demand.

The following screenshots are from the Uber Blog released on August 5, 2024.

I have not seen the announcement in my app yet; how about you? Is this new promotion being tested in your city? Please, leave a comment or send me an email at sergio@therideshareguy.com

Earn up to 20% for accepting trips in a row
More details about the promotion
Details about the bonus

Why Does Uber Offer Consecutive Trip Bonuses?

Uber’s primary goal with the New Trips In A Row Bonus is to ensure that there are enough drivers on the road during high-demand periods. When more drivers are available, passengers experience shorter wait times, and Uber can fulfill more ride requests, leading to higher overall revenue.

By incentivizing drivers to stay active and complete trips without breaks, Uber can better manage supply and demand, particularly during peak hours.

Additionally, the New Consecutive Trip Bonus encourages drivers to remain in high-demand areas rather than relocating to less busy parts of the city. This not only helps Uber meet passenger demand more efficiently but also enhances the earning potential for drivers who can complete more trips in a shorter amount of time.

Benefits of the New Consecutive Trip Bonus

Increased Earnings: The most obvious advantage is the opportunity to earn extra money on top of regular fares and other incentives like surge pricing. For drivers who can efficiently complete consecutive trips, the bonus can significantly boost their hourly earnings.

Optimized Time Management: The bonus encourages drivers to stay focused and avoid downtime. By staying in high-demand areas and quickly accepting ride requests, drivers can maximize their productivity during peak hours.

Motivation to Stay Active: The structure of the bonus incentivizes drivers to remain online and accept all requests within the bonus window. This can be particularly motivating during slower periods, as drivers know they can still earn a bonus by completing a few quick trips.

Better Trip Planning: The bonus often comes with geographic constraints, which can help drivers plan their routes more effectively. Knowing they need to stay within a specific area encourages them to choose trips that keep them within the bonus zone, leading to more efficient driving and less wasted time.

Challenges and Downsides

While the Consecutive Trip Bonus can be lucrative, it also comes with challenges that drivers need to navigate:

Pressure to Accept All Trips: To qualify for the bonus, drivers must accept every trip request they receive within the designated period. This can lead to situations where drivers feel pressured to accept trips they would otherwise decline, such as those with low fares, long pick-up times, or destinations that take them far from the bonus zone.

Traffic and Other Uncontrollable Factors: Traffic congestion, road closures, and other unforeseen events can make it difficult to complete consecutive trips within the required time frame. This is especially problematic in cities with unpredictable traffic patterns, where a single delay can cause a driver to miss out on the bonus.

Increased Fatigue: The nature of the new Trips In A Row Bonus can encourage drivers to work longer hours without breaks, leading to fatigue. Tired drivers are more prone to mistakes, which can compromise safety and reduce overall earnings.

Inconsistent Bonus Availability: The availability of the new bonus varies widely, depending on the city, time of day, and other factors. Drivers cannot always count on the bonus being available when they need it, making it difficult to rely on as a consistent income source.

Strategies for Maximizing the New Consecutive Trip Bonus

Stay in High-Demand Areas: By positioning themselves in areas with high ride demand, drivers can increase their chances of receiving consecutive trip requests quickly. This might include downtown areas, airports, or entertainment districts during peak hours.

Plan for Traffic: Drivers should use real-time traffic apps to plan their routes and avoid congested areas. Knowing alternative routes and being aware of traffic patterns can help drivers complete trips more efficiently.

Optimize Acceptance Rates: Maintaining a high acceptance rate may be crucial for qualifying for the new Trips In A Row Bonus. Drivers should be selective about when and where they drive, choosing times and locations where they are more likely to receive trip requests they can complete quickly.

Manage Time Wisely: During the bonus period, time management is key. Drivers should aim to complete trips as quickly as possible while still providing good service. This might mean being strategic about when to take breaks.

Monitor Bonus Notifications: Drivers should keep an eye on their Uber Driver app for bonus notifications and plan their driving schedule around these opportunities. Being proactive about starting the bonus period as soon as it becomes available can increase the likelihood of completing the required trips.


Check out the videos below. Uber definitely has a nationwide Acceptance Rate problem. Under Upfront Fares, most of Uber’s offers are trash.

This seems like another attempt by Uber to entice drivers to accept bad offers but with a little sweetener on top! However, without a rate card, how does one know that they are really receiving 5, 10, or 20% more with the New Trips In A Row program?

Will it be enough for you to accept bad offers?  As with any aspect of gig work, success in leveraging the New version of the Consecutive Trip Bonus requires a balance of strategy, timing, and adaptability.



