FAST Holiday Money Delivering Packages From Target, Dollar Tree, Sephora, Best Buy With Instacart

Did you know that Instacart is more than just an app that helps you get your groceries delivered? You can also use Instacart to shop at retail stores such as Bed Bath and Beyond, Dick’s Sporting Goods, Sephora and more!

I’m in the Minneapolis area, and this is just a small sample of stores that may be available in your area that customers can order from.

This year more than ever is going to be a busy local shopping season for gig drivers, as people realize shipping delays are too burdensome and getting gifts and items is as simple as pulling up their Instacart app to help them shop locally.

If you want to get in on a busy holiday season and earn some extra, fast holiday money this season, sign up to be an Instacart Shopper today!

This article is sponsored by Instacart, but all opinions are our own. 

Why Should You Become an Instacart Shopper During the Holidays? 

Shopping with Instacart is a fast way to make extra money! But more than that, the holidays are one of the busiest times of the year for all sectors—grocery stores, retail, convenience, liquor stores, etc. Plus, over the last year or so, people have discovered just how much they enjoy online shopping versus shopping themselves in person!

According to a recent Investopedia article by Jim Probasco, “While shoppers are more cautious when it comes to their planned holiday-specific spending, overall holiday spending is expected to jump as much as 10.5%—the largest single-year increase since at least 2002.” So, gear up for more holiday spending in all facets.

That’s where being an Instacart Shopper comes in handy. Consumers will want groceries as well as gifts and last-minute necessities delivered at crucial moments throughout the upcoming holidays.

Plus, Instacart recently rolled out an updated feature that will allow you to cash out your pay instantly after each delivery if you’d like. Your earnings will be available as soon as you complete your batch, giving you instant access to your money to use as you see fit.

Need another reason to shop with Instacart during the holidays? YouTuber Chanty Marie posted a video shopping with Instacart last year the day before Christmas Eve. It ended up being her biggest day for earnings to date. She even attempted her first triple batch!

To tackle the three orders, Chanty Marie actually split the cart into three sections, using the top basket, the main cart and added a hand basket to keep all three separate for ease.

At the end of her day, she had earned $222.49 in 7 hours and 43 minutes! Batches subject to availability and terms apply.

Another plus for shopping with Instacart at retail stores is that typically these items don’t freeze or melt in your car along the way to your customer, which could equate to happier customers and potentially more tips. It’s a no-brainer to sign up to be an Instacart Shopper today!

Retail Shopping with Instacart

Why would customers choose to shop retail via Instacart? For starters, they can have the items delivered within a couple of hours the day they place the order instead of waiting potentially days or weeks for shipping.

Imagine the hottest trend of the season being available at your favorite store and being able to have it in your hands that day without ever leaving your home. That’s the euphoria your customers feel when placing an order through Instacart around the holidays.

Plus, best of all? They’re willing to pay a premium for it! It’s a win-win for you and Instacart customers.

Above is an example of just some of the items Instacart customers can order, but there are so many more things people can order in addition to all of these items.

Plenty of people (myself as an Instacart customer included!) realize they need batteries for a holiday electronic, then decide “Oh I’ll also just order the X, Y, and Z since I can through Instacart!” – and all of those items stack up to mean better requests for you, the shopper!

The example above is specifically the Dollar Store (notice everything is only a dollar). But there are so many options for customers to choose from. They could literally do all of their holiday shopping within the Instacart app.

Holiday Must-Haves

Speaking of technology, higher priced items are sure to be at the top of people’s wish lists this year. Typically the higher the cost of items in your customer’s order, the more money comes to your pocket as an Instacart shopper.

As a homeowner, I’ve been interested in some of the most popular home-gadget tech, and I’m not alone! Some of the most popular technology this holiday season includes:

  • Smart home technology
  • Video games and consoles
  • Speakers
  • “Smart pet” tech

The best part of all of these items? They, along with the most popular toys for kids, are all fairly small items. While speakers can be big, the trend nowadays is smaller, compact and portable items.

What does this mean for you? High priced items + small = potentially higher earnings and easy to pick up and deliver!

If you’ve never tried shopping with Instacart, check out this first-time experience to see just how easy it is to get started:


Shopping with Instacart during the holidays may be a lucrative time for you. Many people will be looking to Instacart to fulfill their shopping and gifting needs throughout the next few months.

Signing up to be an Instacart shopper is a great way to make fast, extra money so you can enjoy your holiday season as well!

If you’re already an experienced Instacart shopper—or if you want to try it out for the first time this holiday season—check out these tips and tricks of top Instacart earners to make the most of your time spent shopping!

When you’re ready, sign up to shop with Instacart here!

Batches are subject to availability.  Additional terms and conditions apply.  See

-Paula @ RSG