Even though this is technically a rideshare podcast and most of my listeners and readers are Uber and Lyft drivers I still think there is a lot that can be learned from the taxi industry.
I don’t know if there’s anyone that actually prefers a taxi over Uber/Lyft but there are definitely plenty of taxis still around. In fact, we all have our stereotypes about what it’s like to ride in a taxi but I wanted to find out what the taxi companies have to say about them.
In today’s podcast, I interview the owner of a successful taxi company in Asheville, North Carolina and get his thoughts on the rideshare takeover of the taxi industry. This was a really insightful interview for me because it gave me a look into what it’s like to run a taxi business. It’s crazy to hear about the obstacles taxis face and the hoops they have to jump through that we as rideshare drivers take for granted. I learned a ton on this podcast and I think you will too so enjoy!
- Episode 13 stats
- Looking for sponsors but in the mean time: Amazon
- Some new podcasts that I’ve been listening to
- All about taxis
Our Guest: Woody McKee of AVL Taxi Co.
- How he became the owner of a successful taxi business in North Carolina
- Challenges of owning and running a taxi company
- Are regulations to blame for the the tough conditions that taxi companies face?
- How similar are taxi drivers and Uber/Lyft drivers?
Is Rideshare The Better Model?
- Taxis can never scale up to meet peak demand
- Insurance issues and differences
- Why do Uber and Lyft get to operate under different regulations than taxis?
Will Taxi Companies Survive?
- Should taxi companies be fighting Uber/Lyft or government regulators?
- Taxis will never be able to compete with an unlimited fleet of Uber drivers
- There will always be a niche market for taxis and planned rides
Is UberX A Viable Option For Full Time Drivers?
- UberX vs UberBlack
- Lag time between earnings and calculating viability
- Keep it fun
- All my Twitter trolls
- There are still a lot of problems with rideshare but give it some time
- What can we learn from taxi drivers?
- How taxis can save their industry
- My video course
Show Notes
So what did you guys think of our interview with Woody from AVL Taxi? Do you feel worse, better or about the same about taxis now?