RSG091: Nick Abouzeid on the State of the Scooter Industry in 2022

2018 was the year of the scooter. Here at RSG, one of our top posts was about how to be a Charger, and three of our top five videos on the YouTube channel were about scooters. Today, we’re going to get an update from someone who knows a ton about the industry, from charging scooters to writing about them.

If you’d like to read a transcript of this podcast, please click here.


  • Today I’m chatting with Nick Abouzeid, a self-described scooter addict who lives in San Francisco
  • Nick has been riding, charging, tweeting and writing about scooters since day 1 and is well-versed in the Charger communities
  • Uber and Lyft are investing a ton of money right now into scooters and mobility
  • If you’ve been wondering how they fit in with the rideshare industry, keep reading!

Interview with Nick Abouzeid

  • Nick Abouzeid is a scooter addict living in San Francisco
  • He used to cover early stage tech for Product Hunt and AngelList
  • One thing people don’t realize about scooters is 80-90% of the scooters on the streets today are made by the same company – literally they’re made in the same factory in China!
  • Became interested in scooters when he started seeing them on the streets, people riding them
  • Signed up to become a Charger

Scooter Industry in 2019

  • Coverage definitely has died down, it’s hard to cover/be excited about it if you can’t get your hands on the product
  • Story also hasn’t changed much – Bird & Lime continue to raise money at bigger valuations
  • Both companies are expanding rapidly, globally
  • Challenges with growth (scooters in the rain/cold) but getting some of the best talent out there

Leaders in the Scooter Industry

  • Bird, Lime and Uber (Jump) and Lyft
  • Sleeping giants
  • Skip, Scoot
  • Will need to eventually see profitability in this space

Regulating the Industry

  • LA – regulations to control but also grow the industry
  • Santa Monica – flexible cap
  • San Francisco – caps
  • Many of the problems in this industry are solvable


  • Big thanks to Nick for coming on the podcast and sharing his knowledge of this industry
  • Nick brought a unique viewpoint and insight into this industry and definitely knows what he’s talking about
  • Is this industry all hype? I don’t think so – lots of room for improvement
  • Excited to see how scooter companies continue to work with cities and integrate with rideshare

Show Notes

-Harry @ RSG

If you’d like to read a transcript of this podcast, please click here.