RSG230: Dealing with Unfair Deactivations for Background Checks

In this episode, I chat with Larry Smith of SmithMarco, P.C. Larry has been on before, where we talked about how drivers can fight false background checks. We’ll discuss the main barriers affecting drivers, what drivers should do if their background checks come back with errors, and more.

Intro to Larry Smith

  • Consumer attorney and Managing Partner at SmithMarco, P.C.
  • Deactivation expert when it comes to background checks
  • Concentrates his practice in the areas of Fair Credit Reporting Act and Fair Debt Collections Practices

What are Uber and Lyft Looking for in Background Checks?

  • Criminal activity – not good!
  • Driving history and driving record
  • Dynamic checks – can happen where you have a background check run on you more frequently

Incorrect Information on Your Background Check: What to Do?

  • Lots of ways you can get an incorrect background check!
  • What to do? Go right to the background reporting company (typically Checkr)
  • Tell them what’s wrong and why
  • Provide any documents that prove your point

How SmithMarco, P.C. Can Help Drivers

  • The deactivation itself gives drivers the right to go after a company that’s taken away their ability to earn money
  • SmithMarco, P.C. goes after the company if the company is in the wrong
  • Get you the money – doesn’t cost you any money because the Fair Credit Reporting Act provides for attorneys’ fees
  • Damages are calculated based on how much you were earning before, or how much you planned to work if you’re a brand new driver

Show Notes

RSG173: Fighting False Background Checks for Uber and Lyft Drivers