Health insurance, mileage deduction, taxes – there are a lot of things to deal with as gig workers, and sometimes it can feel like gig workers are all on their own. In this episode, I chat with Noah Lang of Stride about how Stride helps drivers, Stride’s growth and investment news, and more.
Listen to this episode on your phone here.
Intro to Noah Lang
- CEO of Stride
- Previously founding VP at
- Focused on products + health
- Origin story – protecting people’s lives and livelihoods!
Stride’s Origins
- Began around 2014
- Major gap – where could gig workers get benefits?
- Gig work is a really big umbrella – includes drivers but also any freelancers, restaurant workers, etc.
- Gig economy continues to expand
Who Does Stride Benefit?
- Gig workers
- Seasonal workers
- People who work part-time who aren’t offered benefits
- Stride helps to fill that gap
What is Crucial for a New Gig Worker to Know?
- Insurance may be a lot cheaper than you thought!
- A lot depends on your taxable income – which can also be confusing
- Stride helps track your expenses (like mileage!)
What’s Next?
- Currently, we have a broken benefits system
- Stride looking to fix it, starting with gig workers
- More flexibility in this growing gig economy
- Investment funding is going directly back into the company to benefit gig workers
- Big thanks to Noah for coming on the podcast!