When I tell people I run a rideshare blog, some people are surprised. “It’s just driving!” they say. Sure, while rideshare driving isn’t rocket science, there is a lot more than “just driving” that goes into being a good rideshare driver. In this podcast, I’m going to be answering a lot of questions that new and veteran rideshare drivers have, including how to make more money, which map apps are the best, and how drivers can improve their ratings.
Did I miss a question? Leave me a note in the comments or send me an email here!
If you’d like to read a transcript of this podcast, please click here.
- Today’s podcast is just you and me – no guests!
- People always ask me how hard could it be to be a rideshare driver
- There are a lot of questions new and even veteran drivers have
- Going to answer the top reader questions I get from you – whether it’s via email, social media, or YouTube!
- If you haven’t signed up with Uber or Lyft yet, you can sign up with Uber here using my code 3E3DG or with Lyft here using the code Harry757
How Can I Contact Uber or Lyft?
- Our most popular article had over 1 million page views – but the easiest answer? Through your Uber app!
- Can’t access the app? I have another way to contact Uber through their website here and don’t forget their phone support
- Want to contact Lyft? Going through the app is a good first start, but you might want to check out Lyft on Twitter too
How Much Do Rideshare Drivers Make?
- This is an easy and not-so-easy question to answer: according to our 2017 survey, drivers can make $15-20 an hour, higher with Lyft
- It all depends on when you drive, surges, tips, and more
- Where you drive matters to – San Francisco drivers make more on average, but that doesn’t mean you can’t maximize your earnings with smart driving strategies
- Take into account the cost of maintenance for your car – a Prius should be cheaper for gas than a big SUV, for example
How Can I Make More?
- Another popular question – how can drivers make more and compete with driver saturation?
- Need to consider when other drivers won’t be out – this means that supply will be low, which could trigger surge
- You should know by now not to chase the surge, but predict the surge
- I also recommend drivers sign up for delivery companies – staying busy is key to maximizing your earnings. If you’re not driving but you’re “on”, you’re losing money
Why Do I Need Rideshare Insurance?
- Just to give you a quick primer:
- Period One is when you’re online and waiting for requests
- Period Two is once you’ve accepted a request and you’re en route to pick up the passenger
- Period Three is when you’ve acquired that passenger, and you’re now driving to their destination
- Uber provides $1 million of liability coverage, and they also provide collision coverage but with a $1,000 deductible
- If you get into a collision and it’s your fault, you’ll have to pay the $1,000 deductible
- During period 1, you won’t receive any collision coverage and liability limits are lower than normal
- Uber and Lyft are pretty much identical, except Lyft’s collision deductible is $2,500
- It’s really not that expensive to get rideshare coverage: lots of drivers report increases of $5, $10 a month
- It’s a hassle to find a new insurance company that covers rideshare, but we’ve done the hard work for you! Check out the Insurance Marketplace here
What’s the Best Vehicle for Rideshare Drivers?
- There’s no one right answer for this question 🙂
- Need to think of gas, mileage and maintenance, but also comfort and style
- The Toyota Prius is one of the most popular rideshare driver vehicles, but it’s not your only option
- Think about your personal situation: is this going to be a car you drive full time, drive with your kids and family? Might want a bigger car that can do double duty as a rideshare and family vehicle
- You need to always be tracking your rideshare miles. I recommend Stride Drive or QBSE, and there’s no reason you shouldn’t be tracking your miles
What’s the Best Phone for Rideshare Drivers?
- The best phone really comes down to personal preference – do you like Android of iPhone more? Style is up to you
- Your phone is almost as important as your car – try to get the latest model you can afford
- One app I highly recommend is Mystro – if you drive for Uber and Lyft, Mystro takes away the hassle of logging into both apps, accepting rides, and logging back in once you’re done with the ride
- For now, Mystro is only available for Android phones – something to keep in mind!
Will Ignoring UberPOOL or Lyft Lines Get Me Deactivated?
- For now, a lot of drivers don’t like UberPOOL or Lyft Line
- You can ignore POOL or Line requests without getting deactivated
- Might want to be careful because you could be put in a “time out” if you decline too many in a row, or if you have to maintain a certain acceptance rate
- This is why I like Mystro – you can filter out POOL and Line requests
What Happens if I Can’t Find My Passenger?
- It happens – it’s busy, dark, an event is getting out, etc.
- Don’t keep driving around! Pull over somewhere safe and see if you can find your passenger. Good time to call them.
- It pays to be proactive – if you know a certain area is busy, call your rider and explain the situation, then tell them to meet you at “the intersection of X St. and Y St.”
Can I Advertise for Local Companies/My Business While Driving?
- More companies are getting involved with this – we reviewed Cargo, which helps drivers make money and keeps passengers happy
- Had a driver on our podcast who talked to his passengers about the family bakery – easy way to slip your business into the conversation and hand the passenger a business card
- For the most part, it’s probably a lot of work to establish connections with and get paid by local businesses, but it could be a good way to increase your side income
What Do I Do If a Passenger Asks Me to Do Something I Don’t Want to?
- For some legal things, like taking a service animal, you have to do it. It’s against the law (and Terms of Service) to refuse a ride to a passenger with a service animal
- For other things, like going through a drive through or helping with luggage, put yourself in their shoes and try to diffuse the situation
- Be smart about it: maybe make a joke, or explain the situation (“have to pick up the kids, can’t stop at a drive through – day care charges by the minute after hours!”)
Do I Have to Provide a Ride to a Minor or Infant?
- Taking an infant without a car seat is a huge liability issue, and for that reason, I wouldn’t take them
- UberTEEN has rolled out in some states, but in many states you aren’t allowed to give rides to minors (under 18)
- Now obviously, sometimes it happens. This is why I always recommend having a dash cam in your car
- It’s “just in case” and commonsense to have a dash cam
Which Map App is the Best for Drivers?
- I hope you’re not using Uber Navigation!
- Google Maps or Waze is your best bet – here’s a showdown we did between the two
- Personally, I prefer Google Maps
How Can I Improve My Driver Ratings?
- 4.6 is the cut off – you don’t want to be near a 4.6 because that means you can be deactivated from Uber or Lyft
- Navigation is one of the most important things for passengers – this means you really need to know your city
- Use Google Maps or Waze but don’t rely on it – get to know where the big events are, the popular bars and restaurants
- Not all passengers are chatty – if they don’t immediately say anything, I check in and say “how’s your day going” or ask if the air conditioning is okay with them. If they’re not in a talking mood, that’s fine!
- Little bit different for this podcast today, but I wanted to get the most common questions out there for you to hear them
- Did I miss something? Reach out to me and let me know if there’s a question you want me to answer!
- Driver referrals help me keep the lights on and great content coming, so if you haven’t signed up to drive yet, you can sign up with Uber here using my code 3E3DG or with Lyft here using the code Harry757
- Follow me on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube and you can always contact me if you have questions – I like to hear from you all!
Show Notes
- Your Most Popular Ridesharing Questions Answered
- Maximum Ridesharing Profits
- Subscribe to iTunes and never miss an episode!
- Connect with me on Twitter
If you’d like to read a transcript of this podcast, please click here.